The progression of women’s rights has been an uphill battle for centuries. Mr. Trump recently attended the March for Life rally in Washington, showing his stance for pro-life. President Trump has kept a consistent message through the term of his presidency: Women should face “some sort of punishment” when seeking abortions. Roe v. Wade opened the doorway for women’s right to choice, however, the state of Ohio and others apart of the anti-abortion movement are hoping to propose the banning of all abortions with no exception to rape, incest, or saving the mothers life to open new doorways to the diminishing of Roe v. Wade nationwide. Our president would support that notion with the help of the next coming legislative election.
Ohio’s bill would not only eliminate the legality of abortions, it would also create the possibility of criminal charges placed among the women and providers of procedures. Women charged could be sentenced to murder, which, in the state of Ohio, could be punishable by life in prison or the death penalty. Through the unreasonable and insensitive bill, it would be decided that women no longer have the “fundamental right” (that is, by the way, guaranteed to Americans by the U.S. Constitution) to their own bodies as it is declared in Roe v. Wade.
The diminishing of Roe v. Wade would result in many negative effects towards the entirety of the female gender. Reproductive choice is a right to women and is an important role in mental health and freedom. Abortion restrictions determine the lives for women and their families. The illegalization of abortion would be detrimental to the progression of women’s rights that are valuable to the progression of time.
Below I have attached a public opinion poll on abortion for additional information.